Claudia Schiffer Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Blonde bombshell, Claudia Schiffer seems to be getting hotter and sexier with aging. The mum of two has been keeping up the sylphlike figure for two decades. Let’s have a quick evaluation of the diet and workout secrets which uphold her in statuesque shape.

Three Big Meals

The phenomenal beauty shares she is not a superwoman and just like all other women, she too gains weight when she resorts to unhealthy and junk foods. Instead of being reliant on five or six small meals, Claudia prefers three square meals. She, in fact, steers clear from the habit of snacking. While being on long tours, she carries healthy snacks such as brown-rice crackers, packets of dry miso soup etc. handy with her in bag. Aside from restraining her from being captivated to junk foods, these foods also boosts her energy and proficiently meet the nutrition needs of her body.

“5+” Diet Plan

She swears by “5+” diet which allows her consume very limited number of calories i.e. 1200 calories in a day. However, one day in a week is free for the consumption of her favorite foods. Since clean and organic foods are sterilized from the toxic and harmful chemicals, the gorgeous model prefers eating them over processed foods. The supermodel being insanely in love with green and leafy fiber dense veggies necessarily inculcate them in her diet. She relishes her beloved foods such as chocolates, biscuits etc. on this day. Here is one sample of her typical day diet program.

Breakfast – Fruits, muesli, sprouted seeds with yogurt

Lunch – Mixed salad, miso soup

Dinner – Chicken salad, tuna salad

Abolition of Sinister Foods

There are numerous sinister foods prevalent in today’s time, which are foe of healthy body. Not only do these foods drain your energy, they also pack up countless unsolicited pounds on your body. Claudia renounces the consumption of fatty and sugary foods as she feels exhausted with the consumption of these foods. Despite being loyal to very wholesome diet regime most of the time, the ravishing beauty desists from grains which are stock house of vital nutrients. She being very sentient of the severe impacts of alcohol and caffeine steers clear from them even when she is in the celebration mood.

 Pilates – Essence of Sexy Legs

Credited with long and streamlined legs, Claudia executes Pilates training to hone her bottom. She attributes Pilates for her toned and slender legs. Aside from that, she also walks for several minutes in high heels, which tightens her calf muscles and renders her stability. Influential breathing pattern of yoga doesn’t fail to captivate her. She executes the workout to boost her flexibility and posture.

Walking – Favorite Cardio Workout

Claudia is not much in favor of intense cardio workouts such as running. She rather points up walking which she believes is a superb light workout. Apart from stripping off surplus calories, outside fresh air also invigorates her skin.

Consumption of Water After Four

The hot babe not being in favor of fad diet plans believe that starvation diet plans makes your metabolism suffer beyond control. Instead of submitting her to such plans, she eats balanced and nutrient laden diet. She eats fruits and vegetables till afternoon when her metabolism is at its best. However, after four in the evening, she banks mostly on water and low calorie foods. Apart from drinking gallons of water, she also drinks approx one liter of green and herbal tea in a day. Both the beverages cleanse her body and renders youthful and refreshing glow to the supermodel. She also drinks one or two glasses of water, half an hour prior to her meals which indeed keeps check on the portion size of food, she consumes.
