Bobby Rydell funeral pictures

Many cannot still believe the legendary musician, Bobby Rydell is gone.

Throughout his career in the 1960s, he released hit songs including Kissin’ Time, We Got Love, Wild One, and Swingin’ School.

Aside from his melodic traits, he had some onscreen action as well.

Bobby also appeared in big cinema features such as That Lady From Peking, Bye Bye Birdie, and Mr. Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Alan Freed Story.

He died at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia at the age of 79.

Jennifer Ridarelli, his first daughter, spoke fondly of him every time she had the opportunity to speak about his achievements.

He will always be remembered as the one who gifted humans with incredible classics and performances.

Bobby Rydell funeral pictures: Has his burial service been held?

Bobby Rydell as of 2022 has been buried.

He was buried at Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA.

No pictures from his ceremony were released.

The families of Bobby wanted to pay their last respect solemnly hence the decision.
