Women Arrested In Bell Fries For Assault: Who Are Pearl Ozaria & Chitara Plasencia From NYC?

Who Are Pearl Ozaria & Chitara Plasencia From NYC? Two of the three ladies who attacked workers at the Bel Fries restaurant in New York City were Pearl Ozaria and Chitara Plasencia.

Three ladies started throwing anything they could find at the workers in one video, which attracted the media’s notice.

Women Arrested In Bell Fries For Assault: Who Are Pearl Ozaria & Chitara Plasencia From NYC?

They requested additional sauce for the fries, and the server responded that they would charge an additional $1.75 in accordance with the restaurant’s policy. In their rage, the women started smashing stuff and attacking the workers.

The other diners accepted it as fun and did not attempt to stop them. Instead, they continued to record the entire episode and made fun of the assaulted employees.

One of the staff at Bel Fries was seriously injured on his head and he ended up in the hospital. The restaurant was all bloodied and all the stuff was shattered in the rampage.

Who Are Pearl Ozaria & Chitara Plasencia From NYC?

Pearl Ozaria and Chitara Plasencia are two friends who went to Bel Fries in NYC and rampaged the place after not getting extra sauce.

Pearl and Chitara went to the restaurant with Tatiyanna Johnson on July 3. They had an argument with the waiter after he refused to give extra sauce for the same price.

Just another day in NYC.pic.twitter.com/iyXILAsTs3

— Leftism (@LeftismForU) July 6, 2022

It was their business policy to charge an additional 1.75 dollars for the extra sauce. But the women did not understand the rule and instead of leaving or just paying a few extra cents, they became violent.

After that Pearl, age 27 initiated the vandalism and her other two friends joined in. They began to throw everything they could find and destroyed Bel’s properties.

As per the NYC Police, Chitara was 25 years old and Tatiyanna was 23.

Women Arrested In Bell Fries For Assault: Are They In Jail?

The New Police Department arrested the three women who were leaving Bel Fries assaulting the employees.

Ozaria, Plasencia, and Johnson threatened the employees to kill them and were about to use a taser. They even threw glass bottles at the workers.

The assaulters threw tequila and hot sauce at Victoria Baez and destroyed the counter. They broke the cash register, and computers and left the employees in blood.

Baez thought of pouring hot oil or using a knife toward them but the incident was so terrifying that she did not know what to do.

The incident happened around 4 in the morning in the Bel Fries restaurant at Ludlow Street in Manhattan. The video was recorded by chef Rafael Nunez which served as evidence for the police.

The women stole all the cash with them before leaving. The police caught them and they will remain in custody until they pay for all the damages they have done.
