What is baby fomo? Which signs should you look out for and what is the best treatment?

LET'S be honest, we've all experienced FOMO (fear of missing out) at one point or another.

But did you know your baby could also suffer from the condition? Here's everything you need to know.

What is baby FOMO?

Just like adults, young children and babies can also experience FOMO.

But while we're usually more preoccupied with having a full and lively social schedule, babies instead resist sleeping and being away from their parents for fear of being left alone.

In other words, baby FOMO essentially means your little one doesn't want to miss a thing.

As a result, they're probably not getting all the sleep they need.

What signs should you look out for?

From difficulty napping to being off their food, there are plenty of baby FOMO warning signs to watch out for.

For instance, a FOMO baby will struggle to settle down for a nap if they can still hear something more interesting going on.

According to Babyology, "sounds from siblings, pets or noisy neighbours" make it easy for your little one to resist some shut-eye.

What's more, a needy baby also shows signs of FOMO if they don't want to be put down or cry whenever they're left alone.

Alternatively, if your baby doesn't want to feed because there are too many distractions or fails to self-soothe themselves to sleep, this could be a sign that they're suffering from FOMO.


What is the best treatment?

Once you've realised your little one is dealing with a serious case of FOMO, there's plenty you can do to tackle the problem.

When it comes to settling them down for the night, parents should effectively make their little one's bedroom as distraction-free as possible.

In other words, it may be time to pack that adorable nursery mobile away.

Still struggling to soothe them to sleep? Dull out any background noise with the sound of white noise.

According to Mother and Baby, "the gentle consistent sound can soothe them to sleep".

As for dealing with FOMO in the waking hours, give your arms a break by investing in a comfortable sling or baby carrier which allows your child to feel comforted by your closeness.

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