Phil Mickelsons comments inviting Matsuyama to fly with LIV didn't bode well with golf fans

Phil Mickelson recently invited Hideki Matsuyama to join LIV Golf while flying and fans did not take it well. Amidst the tensions that continue to go on between the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf series, the tweet by Mickelson stirred quite a lot of debate.

After the 2023 Memorial Tournament, Matsuyama was seen boarding a rather budget airline, Spirit Airlines. Fans pointed out his choice to fly a low-budget airline, especially after he was reportedly offered a deal by LIV Golf. Phil Mickelson pointed out that this is not how LIV Golf players fly.

Fans, however, were not happy to see this tweet. They attacked Mickelson, saying that he should 'learn some humility'.

"Phil you should try some of Hideki's humility. It definitely would go a lot farther than "your bombs". I love your new book Phil.."How to Destroy Your Legacy One Post at a Time". It's definitely a quick read." "Awful joke, yall continue to stoop to all new lows!" "So pathetically lame and unfunny" "It's called being humble, something alot of people struggle with" "You guys fly Saudi Air?" "Yes, but he has integrity intact. He is a gentleman and someone to look up to. Some things are more important to some people than money and greed." "If only your method of flying made you a better person. Some people aren't as pretentious and value different things. Some people come from nothing and are quite comfortable in settings you may think are "beneath" you."

Along with Hideki Matsuyama, Phil Mickelson invites Rory McIlroy to join LIV Golf

Apart from inviting Matsuyama, Phil Mickelson stated that Rory McIlroy would be perfect for the breakaway tour. This comes as a rather big shock, considering that McIlroy has been the face of the PGA Tour amidst this war.

However, McIlroy thinks the golf war has taken a toll on him. He decided to take a step back and Mickelson jumped at the chance to tell McIlroy that a more 'relaxed' schedule would help him.

"As worn out as McIlroy was after the Masters and his need for an off season, LIV would be perfect for him. Problem is I don’t think there’s a team that wants him on it because they’d have to deal with all his bs."

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