What season does Bea die in Wentworth? Celebrity.fm #1 Official Stars, Business & People Net

BEA SMITH DIES (season 4, episode 12): In one of the most epic Wentworth showdowns, Bea came face-to-face with Joan, the woman she believed had killed her girlfriend Allie (Kate Jenkinson).

As well, Do Bea and Franky become friends?

Bea quickly became friends with her cellmates, Liz, Doreen, Boomer and Franky, though her friendship with Franky was always a little uneasy due to Franky seeing her as potential competition for top dog.

Then Does Bea Smith get killed?

At the end of 2016, much-loved character Bea Smith left our screens when she was controversially killed off after being stabbed by Joan “The Freak” Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) in Wentworth.

Therefore, Who kills Bea Smith? Bea Smith (Wentworth)

Bea Smith
Portrayed byDanielle Cormack
StatusDeceased; murdered by Joan Ferguson
Crime(s)Attempted murder Manslaughter Murder Aggravated assault Drug Trafficking

Who killed Bea Smith’s husband? Bea then comes to understand that Governor Joan Ferguson was actually behind it and her henchman Nils Jesper was the one who killed him.

Who killed Meg Jackson Wentworth?

Meg Jackson

Meg was married to Will Jackson, an officer at Wentworth. She also had an affair with Fletcher which led to an abortion two weeks before the riot. Meg died during a riot at the prison after being stabbed in the chest with a shiv. It is later revealed that Meg was killed by Franky Doyle accidentally.

Does Franky go back to jail?

In Season 5, Franky ends up back in Wentworth being accused of Mike Pennisi’s murder, The man was mad and had a wall memorial all about Franky, which his girlfriend Iman Farah didn’t like, so she killed him and framed Franky.

Who kills Joan Ferguson in Wentworth?

Joan’s charges are dropped and she is released. On her way out, she is confronted by Bea, who plans to kill her due to the attack on Allie. Joan overpowers Bea and takes hold of her knife. Bea then thrusts herself into the knife, making it appear that Joan has killed her.

Who killed REB in Wentworth?

Reb was apart of a cult who would assault him on a regular basis before Reb and Lou escaped from the clutches of the True Path. Reb dies at the hands of Sheila Bausch when Shelia drugs the drinks that Lou and Reb are drinking. Reb is choked to death with a garrotte in his sleep.

Who becomes top dog after Bea Smith?

As she walks free, Bea Smith ambushes her in revenge for Joan’s attempted murder of Bea’s girlfriend, Allie, and thrusts a screwdriver into herself, incriminating Joan for Bea’s murder. Season 5 follows Joan being imprisoned for Bea’s murder, as she attempts to bring down Vera Bennett by becoming Top Dog.

Who dies Season 9 Wentworth?

While hacktivist Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) was found dead in the rubble, having been impaled through the chest by falling debris, general manager Ann Reynolds’ (Jane Hall) death was far more befitting of the villain she turned out to be.

Who kills Marie on Wentworth?

However, following Ruby to get the phone brought Marie into a trap set by Lou, and while she saved Ruby, she bore the brunt, with Lou fatally stabbing her with a kitchen knife. And things become more tragic when Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva), Marie’s one-time lover, sees her body and can’t help shedding a tear.

Do Bridget and Franky end up together?

Bridget hits rock bottom

However, in a moment of sanity, she finally decides to end the relationship with Franky. Bridget resigns and unresented, she says goodbye to Franky, who, in shock, insists that he loves her, to no avail.

Do Franky and Bridget break up?

Bridget hits rock bottom

However, in a moment of sanity, she finally decides to end the relationship with Franky. Bridget resigns and unresented, she says goodbye to Franky, who, in shock, insists that he loves her, to no avail.

Where did Erica Davidson go?

The last mention of Erica (491) is when Ann Reynolds mentions to Meg Jackson that she has resigned from the department to pursue a career in Canberra, Australia, working with a subcommittee formed to examine the role of women in the work force.

Who gave Franky the kite necklace on Wentworth?

Is there a connection between Iman and the crime which Franky’s been framed for? Not only that, we also discover that Iman stole Franky’s beloved talisman: her kite necklace. “Iman’s a sneaky one,” said Milosevic.

Does Ferguson get charged for killing Bea?

Charged with conspiracy to murder, Ferguson returned on remand to Wentworth. After being acquitted of all charges, within seconds of freedom, Bea Smith executes her own suicide by impaling herself on a weapon held by Ferguson – revenge for Ferguson’s attack on her lover Allie who Bea believes has died.

What happens to Maxine on Wentworth?

During the fourth episode of the fourth season, Maxine is diagnosed with breast cancer . Episode 2 of Season 5 saw Maxine’s departure to a facility that is specially equipped to treat her cancer.

Maxine Conway
Significant otherGary

Does Allie ever find out who stabbed her?

Allie alongside several officers and inmates watch Joan’s freakout from LSD in the corridor, and watches on as Will tries to calm her down. She finally learns that it was Judy, Boomer and Ruby who attacked the GM, and Judy reveals she knew it was Ann from the start.

Do they find out Judy stabbed Allie?

Judy and Allie are slotted when Linda finds them. Judy later tries to attack Allie in the showers again but is caught out by Boomer, Ruby and Rita. It’s then revealed to the entire prison Judy was the person who stabbed Allie and a target is put on her back.

Who stabbed Allie Wentworth?

When we left our inmates, Allie Novak’s (Kate Jenkinson) life was in the balance after she was stabbed in the showers by Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) and left for dead. The fact it was Judy who shivved Allie was a huge shock – everyone assumed it would be rampaging Lou Kelly (Kate Box).

Does Boomer get pregnant season 8?

We’ve watched this relationship bloom over the course of this season, culminating in a passionate encounter in the conjugal room! Then this week, after much resistance, Boomer took a pregnancy test and found out the good news.

Who dies season 9 Wentworth?

While hacktivist Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) was found dead in the rubble, having been impaled through the chest by falling debris, general manager Ann Reynolds’ (Jane Hall) death was far more befitting of the villain she turned out to be.

Who killed Ann Reynolds Wentworth?

In episode eight the women are in lockdown due the attack on Ann. While Boomer and Ruby want to fess up to Allie that the three of them were responsible for the bashing of Ann, Judy is having no part of it, and tells Allie that it was actually Lou Kelly who did the deed.

Is Boomer pregnant season 8?

Boomer takes a pregnancy test and is ecstatic when it comes back positive.

Why was reb killed in Wentworth?

Reb was apart of a cult who would assault him on a regular basis before Reb and Lou escaped from the clutches of the True Path. Reb dies at the hands of Sheila Bausch when Shelia drugs the drinks that Lou and Reb are drinking.
