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Definition of Svengali. : a person who manipulates or exerts excessive control over another.Click to see full answer. Likewise, what does it mean to be a Svengali?Svengali. A svengali is a person who controls another’s mind or has the ability to control others, usually with sinister intent. In the 1891 gothic-horror novel Trilby, by George du Maurier, Svengali is a hypnotist who transforms the title character into a famous singer.Beside above, where does the word Svengali come from? The word “svengali” has come to refer to a person who, with evil intent, dominates, manipulates and controls another. In court, a Svengali defence is a legal tactic that purports the defendant to be a pawn in the scheme of a greater and more influential, criminal mastermind. Regarding this, what is the Svengali effect? Even if you’ve never heard of du Maurier or his novel before, we’ve all known our share of svengalis. Basically, a svengali holds you emotional hostage. The effect is similar to Stockholm Syndrome, where a captive develops love and loyalty for the person holding them against their will.How do you use Svengali in a sentence? svengali in a sentence We got a lot of credit as kind of the Svengalis, Svengali tells her of the marriage and poisons her against Trilby. No staff person, no adviser, no guru, no Svengali, There are the inevitable references to Svengali and even Professor Henry Higgins. Instead of Graham as Svengali, it will be Zamora as dominatrix.
