Dr Hannah Straight: age, married, body, photos, career, income, worth

Dr Hannah Straight is a famous American YouTuber with immense knowledge in nutrition and herbal medicine. The lady's vlogs are about her travelling lifestyle in a truck camper van. She tours the US to research botanical and herbal nutrition ingredients.

Is Dr Hannah Straight a medical doctor? She is a certified medical professional. She develops nutritional products like multivitamins, probiotics, and whole-food antioxidant blend supplements and then sells them on her website. For instance, Dr Hannah Straight's coffee is highly recommended. Proper amounts of coffee intake reduce the risk of developing type b diabetes, colon cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. So, who is Dr Hannah Straight's boyfriend?

Dr Hannah Straight's profile summary

  • Full name: Hannah Straight
  • Age: mid-thirties
  • Place of birth: Pittsburg, USA
  • Residence: Pennsylvania, USA
  • Education: Duquesne University
  • Career: Pharmacist and medical researcher
  • Hobby: Truck camping adventures, swimming
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Hair colour: Brown
  • Height: 5 feet 7 inches
  • YouTube income: $11k per month
  • Net worth: $100k-$1 million
  • Instagram: @drstraight
  • Facebook: @DrHannahStraight
  • LinkedIn: HannahStraight
  • Personal blog: linktr.ee/drhannahstraight
  • Business website: Dr.Straight
  • YouTube: Dr. Hannah Straight
  • Email: customerservice@drstraight.com

Dr Hannah Straight 's bio

She was born and raised in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The vlogger offers her audience vital information about a blanched diet and weight loss. Also, she is a Doctor of Pharmacy specializing in drug research, formulation, and pharmacokinetics.

She earned a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) in 2014 from Duquesne University in Pittsburg, USA.

What is Dr Hannah Straight's age?

The public assumes she is in her mid-thirties since she is yet to reveal her date of birth. The medical vlogger keeps her childhood, family, and love life private.


While working as a research assistant at Duquesne University from 2010 to 2014, she was working under a physician who had immense research experience in natural botanicals and supplements.

She researched pharmaceutical formulations for experimental trial runs, conducted NIR (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) on compressed tablets using Foss NIR system, and performed high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on multiple samples, standards, and test tablets.

She made powder blends for compression tablets & operated semi-automatic tablet compressors. In addition, the lady performed Raman Spectroscopy on compressed tablets and helped evaluate and verify Raman, NIR, and HPLC data.

She was a Pharmacist at Walmart from 2010 to 2015. At the same time, she worked for CVS Health as a clinical pharmacist from 2014 to 2015. The medical research expert now works at her firm, the Clinical Research Pharmacist.

How much is Dr Hannah's worth?

Dr Hannah Straight's income from YouTube is an average of $11 thousand per month. Therefore, her net worth ranges from $100k to a million USD. She began vlogging on YouTube two years ago. Dr Hannah Straight's YouTube channel has 199k subscribers, over 24.2 million views, and 71 videos as of 5th October 2021. She attracts around 2 million views per video.

One of her latest YouTube videos is about her hiking, swimming, and camping. She uploaded the video on 3rd October, 2021. Dr Hannah Straight's Instagram page also has many cute pictures of her.

Dr Hannah Straight's photos

Dr Hannah Straight's body is an envy to many women who would love to keep fit and maintain fantastic looks. Therefore, this means she follows the medical advice she offers people. All her beautiful features are seen on her Instagram posts.

1. Hiking in Colorado

In this photo posted on October 2020, the American doctor goes on a hike in Colorado. She also shared photos of the beautiful view.

2. Surfing

There is no denying that the medical doctor loves adventure. Here, she shared a photo of herself surfing. What a nice way to spend your summer.

3. Swimming

Here, the fitness guru shared a photo of herself enjoying some time in cool waters during the summer.

Dr Hannah Straight is one of the best medical social influencers in the US. The lady is using social platforms to create awareness about herbal medicine and healthy living. Her medical research is also paving the way for other researchers to develop new drugs.

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