How Ridiculous Net Worth 2024


How Ridiculous is a popular YouTube channel that has gained a massive following due to its entertaining and engaging content. The channel is run by a group of friends from Australia who are known for their crazy stunts and experiments. They have managed to turn their passion into a profitable business, earning a significant amount of money through their YouTube channel. This article will delve into the projected net worth of How Ridiculous in 2024.

Estimated Net Worth:$5 million
Age:Varies (Group of 3)
Country of Origin:Australia
Source of Wealth:YouTube, Merchandise

How Ridiculous: The Beginning

The How Ridiculous YouTube channel was started in 2009 by a group of friends who shared a love for sports and trick shots. They began by posting videos of basketball trick shots, which quickly gained popularity. Their unique and entertaining content attracted a large audience, and their subscriber count began to grow rapidly.

Expanding Their Content

As their popularity grew, the team behind How Ridiculous began to expand their content. They started conducting experiments and performing stunts, often involving dropping objects from great heights. This new content was well-received by their audience, and their subscriber count continued to grow.

Monetizing Their Channel

With a growing audience, How Ridiculous began to monetize their channel. They started earning revenue through YouTube’s ad revenue sharing program. Additionally, they also launched their merchandise line, selling t-shirts, hoodies, and other items with their logo and catchphrases.

Collaborations and Sponsorships

How Ridiculous has also benefited from collaborations and sponsorships. They have collaborated with other popular YouTubers and brands, which has helped to increase their visibility and reach. These collaborations and sponsorships have also contributed to their income.

Current Net Worth

As of 2021, the estimated net worth of How Ridiculous is around $2 million. This wealth has been accumulated through their YouTube ad revenue, merchandise sales, sponsorships, and collaborations.

Projected Net Worth in 2024

Given their current growth rate and the increasing popularity of their content, it is projected that the net worth of How Ridiculous could reach $5 million by 2024. This projection is based on their current income sources and does not take into account potential new income sources or changes in the YouTube ad revenue model.

Factors Influencing Their Net Worth

Several factors could influence the net worth of How Ridiculous in 2024. These include:

  • The continued growth of their YouTube channel
  • The success of their merchandise line
  • The number and profitability of their sponsorships and collaborations
  • Changes in the YouTube ad revenue model

Challenges to Their Projected Net Worth

While the projected net worth of How Ridiculous is promising, there are also potential challenges that could impact this projection. These include:

  • Changes in viewer preferences and trends
  • Increased competition from other YouTube channels
  • Changes in the YouTube algorithm that could impact their visibility and reach


In conclusion, the team behind How Ridiculous has managed to turn their passion into a profitable business. Their unique and entertaining content has attracted a large audience, and they have successfully monetized their channel through ad revenue, merchandise sales, sponsorships, and collaborations. Given their current growth rate and the increasing popularity of their content, it is projected that their net worth could reach $5 million by 2024. However, this projection is subject to several factors and potential challenges, including changes in viewer preferences, increased competition, and changes in the YouTube algorithm.
