Brian McKnight's Children Accuse Him of Abandoning Them and His Grandchildren

Brian Mcknight's children are now slamming the musician for abandoning them and his grandchildren. Taking to their Instagram pages, his children joined forces to call out their patriarch for his alleged abandonment.

Living under the spotlight can be quite difficult for a family, and it seems the Mcknight family has got it bad. Singer Brian Mcknight's son and daughter both took to social media to vent our about their frustrations on their father, saying he hasn't been a paternal figure to them at all.

Mcknight has four children, three of whom he shares with Julie Mcknight. His eldest children, Brian Mcknight Jr., and his daughter Bri Mcknight aired their frustrations on social media, much to the surprise of their fans.

Brian Jr.'s Statement

Brian Mcknight, nicknamed BJ, openly reflected the pain of having a bad relationship with his dad. He also accused the singer of not making an effort to spend time with his grandchildren.

“I can’t imagine abandoning my children man. Its hard not to imagine the psyche of a man who can truly just turn his back on his actual sons, on his actual blood, and creations. It’s mind boggling to me. I don’t think there is any situation that merits the way my father has chosen to treat my brother, my sisters, and his grandchildren, one of which being his first born’s, first born son, who also bares our name,” he wrote.

According to Brian, he wasn't about to let his story go untold, as he feels there is a need to change the way black fathers are in the entertainment industry.

“It breaks my heart, but not for myself, specifically for my siblings, and my children. They don’t deserve this at all, not open bit. And I’m not letting [expletive] slide, not for one second. I’ve tried my best to take the high road, and be the bigger man, and all that positive shit, but there is a much bigger issue here, when it comes to black fathers, especially in entertainment that need to be addressed. It’s time to tell our side of the story.”

Briana's Take on the Issue

Likewise, his daughter Briana supported Brian Jr's sentiments by sharing a post of her own. In her own caption, she shared how she never experienced being "daddy's little girl."

“Daddy’s little girl” was never really a thing for me. Nobody understands what I’ve been through except for my siblings. Believe it or not, I’m not always the person I seem to be. I’m not always happy and most of the time I’m battling my own demons just like everyone else. I grew up thinking that the things that happened to me and my dad’s relationship was my fault,” she posted on Instagram.

According to the pained daughter, it's time people knew how difficult it was not having a father to lean on, hoping for other teenage girls who are experiencing the same thing can find comfort in the fact that they are not alone.

“I don’t usually write things like this but I feel like enough is enough and like BJ, I want to share my side of the story. I hope that there’s someone out there that has gone or is going through the same thing. Some teenage girl who deals with this shit constantly who can relate to me and tell her side of the story and know that she’s not alone,” she concluded.

While his children are clearly in pain, Brian McKnight has been happily living his life with his new wife, often sharing sweet photos of one another on social media.

It is unclear whether or not the reason why Brian seems to have abandoned his children is that he found a new family, as he has not released a statement over the accusations.
